Pedigree Collapse

Seeking Veracity

Here's a look at the World Population and the Theoretical number of ancestors one has as a function of the number of generations, back to the year 400 A.D.  Of course 9 quintillion people are too many.  Our best estimate says the world had only 300 million.


World Pop.



1 1 5,766,718,699 25 1,975
2 2 5,502,480,114 50 1,950
3 4 5,250,349,287 75 1,925
4 8 5,009,771,424 100 1,900
5 16 4,780,217,153 125 1,875
6 32 4,561,181,358 150 1,850
7 64 4,352,182,069 175 1,825
8 128 4,152,759,401 200 1,800
9 256 3,962,474,541 225 1,775
10 512 3,780,908,781 250 1,750
11 1,024 3,607,662,601 275 1,725
12 2,048 3,442,354,788 300 1,700
13 4,096 3,284,621,594 325 1,675
14 8,192 3,134,115,942 350 1,650
15 16,384 2,990,506,655 375 1,625
16 32,768 2,853,477,733 400 1,600
17 65,536 2,722,727,656 425 1,575
18 131,072 2,597,968,718 450 1,550
19 262,144 2,478,926,397 475 1,525
20 524,288 2,365,338,751 500 1,500
21 1,048,576 2,256,955,840 525 1,475
22 2,097,152 2,153,539,175 550 1,450
23 4,194,304 2,054,861,196 575 1,425
24 8,388,608 1,960,704,772 600 1,400
25 16,777,216 1,870,862,718 625 1,375
26 33,554,432 1,785,137,344 650 1,350
27 67,108,864 1,703,340,019 675 1,325
28 134,217,728 1,625,290,754 700 1,300
29 268,435,456 1,550,817,808 725 1,275
30 536,870,912 1,479,757,311 750 1,250
31 1,073,741,824 1,411,952,897 775 1,225
32 2,147,483,648 1,347,255,371 800 1,200
33 4,294,967,296 1,285,522,370 825 1,175
34 8,589,934,592 1,226,618,056 850 1,150
35 17,179,869,184 1,170,412,814 875 1,125
36 34,359,738,368 1,116,782,970 900 1,100
37 68,719,476,736 1,065,610,515 925 1,075
38 137,438,953,472 1,016,782,849 950 1,050
39 274,877,906,944 970,192,531 975 1,025
40 549,755,813,888 925,737,042 1,000 1,000
41 1,099,511,627,776 883,318,561 1,025 975
42 2,199,023,255,552 842,843,751 1,050 950
43 4,398,046,511,104 804,223,549 1,075 925
44 8,796,093,022,208 767,372,975 1,100 900
45 17,592,186,044,416 732,210,943 1,125 875
46 35,184,372,088,832 698,660,081 1,150 850
47 70,368,744,177,664 666,646,563 1,175 825
48 140,737,488,355,328 636,099,947 1,200 800
49 281,474,976,710,656 606,953,016 1,225 775
50 562,949,953,421,312 579,141,636 1,250 750
51 1,125,899,906,842,620 552,604,610 1,275 725
52 2,251,799,813,685,250 527,283,545 1,300 700
53 4,503,599,627,370,500 503,122,724 1,325 675
54 9,007,199,254,740,990 480,068,984 1,350 650
55 18,014,398,509,482,000 458,071,596 1,375 625
56 36,028,797,018,964,000 437,082,157 1,400 600
57 72,057,594,037,927,900 417,054,481 1,425 575
58 144,115,188,075,856,000 397,944,500 1,450 550
59 288,230,376,151,712,000 379,710,163 1,475 525
60 576,460,752,303,423,000 362,311,347 1,500 500
61 1,152,921,504,606,850,000 345,709,768 1,525 475
62 2,305,843,009,213,690,000 329,868,895 1,550 450
63 4,611,686,018,427,390,000 314,753,871 1,575 425
64 9,223,372,036,854,780,000 300,331,438 1,600 400


I've been curious about the subject for a long time and a few years ago did some Excel work and was actually able to calculate and plot an extreme example of the collapse phenomenon.  That is, a single person's ancestry can increase for a while, but when cousin intermarriage happens a lot, the pedigree not only collapses, but implodes.  See the next page . . . 


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